K. Male'
07 Mar 2018 | Wed 15:51
Four officers of the military\'s SPG dismissed
Four officers of the military's SPG dismissed
Various Sources
State of Emergency
Four officers of the military's SPG dismissed
Dismissed SPG officers include bodyguards of senior government officials
RaajjeMV understands that a total of seven SPG soldiers have been arrested; two reportedly released since
Detained officers being kept in Girifushi

Four of the detained soldiers from the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF)’s Special Protection Group (SPG) have been dismissed.

RaajjeMV understands that the officers dismissed are; Tourism Minister Moosa Zameer’s former bodyguard, Ahmed Shaaneez; former President Mohamed Nasheed’s bodyguard during his term in office, Simad Ahmed; bodyguard of Feydhoo constituency MP Ibrahim Didi, Saheed; and Ali Sujau of the parliament’s security force.

While RaajjeMV understands that seven SPG soldiers had been arrested, there have been reports that two have been released since.

They are accused of attempting to create chaos within MNDF, breaking ranks and working to go against the government.

While a number of military officers are reported to have been arrested following the state of emergency declaration on 5th February, MNDF is yet to comment on the matter.

In addition, there are reports some senior MNDF officers have been “isolated” from work. MNDF is yet to deny these reports.

Calling the Supreme Court’s ruling to release political prisoners and reinstate opposition parliamentarians “an attempted coup,” President Abdulla Yameen said that the Maldives is currently in a "state of war".

Noting that the police and military must follow the orders of their commander during such a state, the President said that they “need not worry if the orders are lawful or not”.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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