K. Male'
06 Mar 2018 | Tue 21:31
Suspicion of illegal ship-to-ship oil trade
Suspicion of illegal ship-to-ship oil trade
Japan - Ministry of Defence
Xin Yuan 18
Maldivian arrested in oil tanker scandal
A maldivian believed to be heavily involved in illegal oil trade with foreign parties has been arrested regarding the "Xin Yuan 18" oil tanker case.
"Xin Yuan 18" tanker is alleged to have been involved in illegal trade with North Korean flagged "Chon Ma San".
The individual was reportedly arrested in capital city Male' some time on the 05th of March, Monday.

A maldivian believed to be heavily involved in illegal oil trade with foreign parties has been arrested regarding the "Xin Yuan 18" tanker, alleged to have been involved in illegal trade with North Korean flagged "Chon Ma San".

Some media stations report that they had obtained information of the arrested individual, but has refused to divulge the individual's identity under anti-defamation laws. 

The individual was reportedly arrested in capital city Male' some time on the 05th of March, Monday.

Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs had revealed after inclusive analysis that they suspect the North Korean flagged tanker and "Xin Yuan 18" to have conducted ship-to-ship transfers banned by the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR).

At midnight on the 24th of February, an air craft belonging to Japan's Maritime Self Defence Force had spotted a vessel named "Xin Yuan 18" laying alongside North Korean ship "Chon Ma San" with their lights turned on, in the East China Sea around 250 km eastern offshore of Shanghai, that allegedly belongs to the Maldives. 

The President's office had released a statement not long after the matter had surfaced, claiming that it will ‘pursue strict action against those who tarnish the reputation of our nation and that of our people' for using the Maldivian national flag in illegal manners.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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