K. Male'
06 Mar 2018 | Tue 17:15
Expat injured in fire incident on Tuesday in capital city
Expat injured in fire incident on Tuesday in capital city
Fire incident
Expat injured in a fire incident in Malè city
According to Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) fire broke out on the third floor of a house in Maafannu-ward of capital Male' city named 'Sithaaraa' .
An expatriate had been injured in the fire incident, he has been taken to IGM Hospital to seek medical attention
MNDF are working to douse the fire. A reason for the fire has not been ascertained yet.

An expatriate has been injured in a fire incident that started on Tuesday evening.

According to Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) fire broke out on the third floor of a house in Maafannu-ward of capital Male' city named 'Sithaaraa'.

The injured expatriate is now being treated at Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital.

Fire and Rescue officers were able to dousethe fire over an hour after it started. A reason for the fire has not been ascertained yet.

Defence Minister Adam Shareef visited the scene shortly after officers quelled the fire.

Fire incident in a house in Maafannu district of capital city
Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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