K. Male'
05 Mar 2018 | Mon 16:20
Counter Terrorism Center\'s Director General Zakariya Mansoor
Counter Terrorism Center's Director General Zakariya Mansoor
Director General Zakariya Mans
General Mansoor has been apprehended
MNDF's 3rd in command and Counter Director General at the Counter Terrorism Center, Zakariya Mansoor was apprehended early Monday evening.
Ex-president Nasheed had taken to twitter, writing that the time has come for police officers and soldiers to ask themselves if they want to keep following incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom's un
When contacted by RaajjeMV following former President Nasheed's tweet, MNDF's spokesperson Captain Ibrahim Azim had not answered the station's calls.

Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF)'s third in command and Counter Terrorism Center's Director General Zakariya Mansoor has been apprehended early Monday evening.

Former President and leader of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Mohamed Nasheed had tweeted on Monday that General Mansoor is being held in the army headquarters in capital city Male' following his apprehension.

In his tweet the ex-president Nasheed wrote that the time has come for police officers and soldiers to ask themselves if they want to keep following incumbent President Yameen Abdul Gayoom's unlawful orders. 

Although rumors of General Mansoor's apprehension had circulated on Sunday as well, the Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) had not confirmed the matter.

When contacted by RaajjeMV following former President Nasheed's tweet, Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF)'s spokesperson Captain Ibrahim Azim had not answered the station's calls.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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