K. Male'
05 Mar 2018 | Mon 09:26
Abdulla Shaheem was arrested from an opposition protest on 16th February
Abdulla Shaheem was arrested from an opposition protest on 16th February
State of Emergency
Shaheem's family files case at HRCM, over police's refusal to provide him medical attention
Abdulla Shaheem was arrested from an opposition protest on 16th February
He is detained under the state of emergency
A state of emergency was declared on 5th February

Family of Abdulla Shaheem- council member of the Maldivian Democratic Party- has expressed concern over his health, while in police custody.

Shaheem was arrested on 16th February, under the state of emergency declared by President Abdulla Yameen on 5th February.

His wife, Minaam Mohamed told RaajjeMV that Shaheem’s shoulder had been dislocated due to the police’s actions during his arrest, and that his knees had suffered from being pushed down to the ground.

While Shaheem’s shoulder had been dislocated, Minaam said that police had refused to provide him with medical attention and that officers had even “blamed him for the injury”.

Minaam also noted that Shaheem was pushed down to the ground during his arrest and said that his left knee had hit the ground. She added that he had recently undergone an surgery on the knee, and that this had caused it to swell. Despite this, Minaam said that police have yet provide him with medical assistance.

Noting that his previous medical records show that he required additional operations on his knee, Minaam added that police has refused to pass him a knee guard.

Minaam said that she has filed a case with the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM), regarding her concerns over her husband’s health.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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