K. Male'
04 Mar 2018 | Sun 21:04
MDP protest
MDP protest
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Joint opposition parties
Joint opposition hold press conference on police misconduct
Political detainees and some apprehended from opposition rallies still remain in incarceration.
The arrests being made throughout the protests are baseless and detainees are not granted their basic rights to medical attention.
Targeting media in unacceptable, proper action must be taken again RaajjeTV

The joint opposition parties have said that political detainees and some apprehended from opposition rallies still remain in incarceration.

Speaking at a press conference held on Sunday evening in Jumhooree Party (JP)'s national campaign office, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s spokesperson and North-Maafannu MP Imthiyaz Fahmy said that some of the opposition leaders and activists still remain in police custody. 

Speaking at the joint party press conference, Imthiyaz said that following the opposition protests after the State of Emergency was declared, more than 11 people who were arrested still remain in incarceration. Notably, some who were arrested under the SoE are still in police custody

The MP said that the arrests being made throughout the protests are baseless and that detainees are not granted their basic rights to medical attention.

Likewise, Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s National Council member Ahmed Adhuham who was unlawfully apprehended in Dhoonidhoo Detention Center under the SoE, is on a hunger strike in protest to his right to medical attention after having been denied consultaton with a dentist. 

Imthiyaz said that the state institutions must look into the matter immediately and authorities must bring a solution to the mistreatment of detainees.

The opposition has also strictly condemned police brutality targeted towards news reporters covering opposition rallies. Imthiyaz had expressed worry regarding the needless use of violence against RaajjeTV reporter Murshid Abdul Hakeem on Saturday night's protest, noting that targeting Murshid was against the basic rights guaranteed to the media.

Imthiyaz also noted that the police had tried to conceal the way in which Murshid was abused, from citizens and that these misdoings cannot be eclipsed. Imthiyaz called on authorities to investigate Murshid's offenders and take correct measures against them.

The MP also called on authorities to conduct an investigation into the vandalism of the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s national campaign house by Special Operations officers and take judicatory actions against the blameworthy.

According to sources, SO officers had broken the door down and barged into the campaign house and proceeded to unplug the sound system and had vandalized party property in their way, having driven out everyone insdie including media at the time.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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