K. Male'
04 Mar 2018 | Sun 16:51
MDP\'s national council member Ahmed Adhuham
MDP's national council member Ahmed Adhuham
Opposition Rallies
MDP's National Council member goes on hunger strike
Adhuham was arrested within the preparations of the warm up opposition rally held on the 16th of February, from inside the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s national campaign house.
Lawyer Mahfooz reports that Adhuham had begun his hunger strike on the 02nd of March after he was denied consultation with a dentist.
While police are ensuing their apprehension of political acitivists, many political leaders and parliamentarians remain in incarceration.

Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)'s National Council member Ahmed Adhuham's lawyer Mahfooz Saeed has said that he has gone on a hunger strike in Dhoonidhoo island.

Adhuham was arrested from the series of opposition rallies being held after President Yameen refused to implement the Supreme Court order on February 1 to release nine politcal detainees and reinstate opposition MPs.

Lawyer Mahfooz reports that Adhuham had begun his hunger strike on the 02nd of March after he was denied consultation with a dentist.

Adhuham was arrested within the preparations of the warm up opposition rally held on the 16th of February, from inside MDP's national campaign house.

While police are ensuing their apprehension of political acitivists, many political leaders and parliamentarians remain in incarceration.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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