K. Male'
04 Mar 2018 | Sun 16:27
MDP\'s national campaign house vandalized by SO officers
MDP's national campaign house vandalized by SO officers
Maldivian Democratic Party
SO officers vandalize opposition campaign house
SO officers broke the door down and barged in to turn off the sound system and had vandalized party property in their way.
Media and citizens inside at that time had been driven out.
The officers had evidently barged into the campaign house without a court order as an authorization.

Special Operations (SO) officers have entered the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s national campaign house and damaged the party's property.

SO officers had entered the campaign house after having disbanded the protest held in the area on Saturday night.

According to an individual inside the campaign house at that time, SO officers broke the door down and barged in to turn off the sound system and had vandalized party property in their way.

The officers had turned the place over after having vacated the campaign house, media inside at that time had also been driven out.

SO officers had then proceeded to unplug the sound system, even having inflicted damage to the door to the entrance.

The officers had evidently barged into the campaign house without a court order as an authorization.

Although the right to protest has been supressed ever since the State of Emergency was declared, the joint opposition parties continue to take to the streets to call for the implementation of the Supreme Court order on the release of all 9 political detainees and the reinstatement of parliament members.

A curfew on opposition gatherings was issued by the police late February following an appeal by the ruling PPM’s de facto representative and Member of Parliament for Fonadhoo constituency Abdul Raheem Abdulla.

Although political gatherings are prohibited after 10:30 pm, the opposition continue taking to the streets in their reform efforts.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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