K. Male'
04 Mar 2018 | Sun 10:27
Shaheed Hussain Adam Building - headquarters of the Maldives Police Service
Shaheed Hussain Adam Building - headquarters of the Maldives Police Service
Mohamed Sharuhaan
State of Emergency
48 arrested between Feb 1 and March 2, only one remains in custody for obstruction: Police
Police said 47 of the arrestees were 'promptly released'
They were arrested for "“having disobeyed police instructions and due to clear obstruction of police duty”
The opposition has been holding series of protests across the nation, since February 1

Maldives Police Service has said that there is only one individual in police custody, for obstruction, out of the 48 arrested since 1st February.

In a tweet posted on Saturday, police said that a total of 48 individuals were taken into police custody from the demonstrations held from 1st February to 2nd March, adding that 47 “were promptly released”.

Police noted that the 48 were arrested for “having disobeyed police instructions and due to clear obstruction of police duty”.

The opposition has been holding a series of protests across the nation, calling on authorities to implement the Supreme Court ruling issued on 1st February releasing high profile political prisoners, as well as reinstating 12 parliamentarians.

However, President Abdulla Yameen refused to implement the ruling, and instead declared a state of emergency on 5th February.

Those arrested under the state of emergency include; former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed, Justice Ali Hameed, MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, Mohamed Nadheem, MP Ahmed Mahloof, MP Abdulla Riyaz and more, as well as some members of the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s national council.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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