K. Male'
02 Mar 2018 | Fri 16:26
Superintendent of Prisons, Mohamed Asif.
Superintendent of Prisons, Mohamed Asif.
Thahaarah Mohamed Waheed
Maldives Correctional Service
Superintendent of Prisons Mohamed Asif relieved from duty
Asif was sacked from his post without his case being subject to investigation
Asif had been relieved from his duties on the 1st of March, Thursday

Superintendent of Prisons at the Maldives Correctional Services (MCS), Mohamed Asif has been relieved from duty.

RaajjeMV received a copy of the notice dismissing him from duty, which applies from Thursday, 1st March, onwards.

The notice sites an ethics violation under section 85 of the institution's opearting guidelines for employees.

Asif has claimed that board of MCS had adjudicated on Asif's dismissal under section 86 of the standard guidelines, without having followed a proper investigation. 

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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