K. Male'
02 Mar 2018 | Fri 08:24
Secretary Ahmed Khaleel meets with H.E. Kazumi Endo
Secretary Ahmed Khaleel meets with H.E. Kazumi Endo
Xin Yuan 18
Bilateral secretary Ahmed Khaleel, meets with H.E. Kazumi Endo, discusses "Xin Yuan 18"'s illegal dealings
Although it's seen representing the Maldivian Flag, the vessel does not belong to Maldives : Gov
Investigation regarding this matter is ongoing
Dealings with North Korean vessels on international waters, is an international crime

Maldives bilateral secretary Ahmed Khaleel has met with Ambassador of Japan, H.E. Kazumi Endo on Thursday to hold discussions regarding North Korean vessel "Chon Ma San"'s illegal dealings with a vessel that supposedly operated under the Maldivian flag.

A tweet posted on the Foreign Ministry's official twitter account confirms the meeting.

Bilateral relations between both countries were discussed in the meeting. While concerns were shared on Xin Yuan 18's matter, Ahmed Khaleel assured that Japanese government will have the full co-operation of the Maldivian government in investigating the matter. 


Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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