K. Male'
01 Mar 2018 | Thu 22:09
Ex- Deputy prosecutor general Hussain Shameem
Ex- Deputy prosecutor general Hussain Shameem
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Hussain Shameem
Ex-Deputy PG Shameem receives order to present himself at SC
Order stated for the ex-deputy prosecutor general to be summoned for 01:30 PM
Alongside Shameem, Ali Hussain had been summoned to the SC on Sunday as well
Hussain Shameem had been suspended of his attorney rights this month

Summons had been issued on prominent lawyer and former deputy prosecutor general Hussain Shameem on Sunday.

The order stated that Shameem had received a summon for 01:30 pm on Sunday afternoon, the 4th of March.

Along with Shameem, summons had also been issued on Kendhoo constituency member of paliament Ali Hussain on Sunday.

After having been kept under suspension for over two years, Shameem's suspension was annulled earlier this year. Yet, Shameem had again been suspended within the month of February.

The Department of Judicial Administration (DJA) had stated the reason as, regarding an ongoing police investigation.

While he is part of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's legal team, he had previously been legal councel to Jumhooree Party leader Gasim Ibrahim as well as having served on former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb's legal team.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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