K. Male'
01 Mar 2018 | Thu 22:44
Faris Maumoon
Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Criminal Court schedules MP Faris' identity theft case for Sunday
Criminal court had released Faris maumoon from incarceration twice before
He was last arrested on the 8th of February from his residence
Faris has been accused of trying to bribe fellow parliamentarians and to overthrow the government

The identitty theft case raised against Faris Maumoon has been scheduled for Sunday.

While the announcement was made on criminal court's website, Faris was last arrested on the 8th of February two days after his release from incarceration on the 6th of february.

Faris was released from police custody upon the annulment of the criminal court order on his apprehension on the 27th of January.

Faris had been arrested in mid 2017 over accusations of bribing fellow parliamentarians and had been kept in police custody over six months until his release on the 25th of January. 

He was arrested for a second time hours later on the 27th of January over the accusations of scheming a coup d'etat with a few parliamentarians. 

Earlier on the day of his arrest, (January 27) the police had also conducted a search on his residence M. Snowrose alongside with former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's residence M. Endherimaage.

While Faris is one of the poltiicians being subject to arrest of late, his father, former president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom who served the nation for over 30 years and his brother-in-law Mohamed Nadheem had also been taken into police custody, just hours after the declaration of the state of emergency by half-brother and incumbent president Yameen Abdul Gayoom. 

Opposition had responded to the SoE by taking to the streets and holding a series of nightly protests throughout the nation, where many have been arrested from the capital city. 

Faris's sister Dunya Maumoon who recently quit her position as state minister at the health ministry had previously expressed concern over their father's arrest. 

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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