K. Male'
28 Feb 2018 | Wed 11:36
Police officers have been seen using excessive force, especially on journalists
Police officers have been seen using excessive force, especially on journalists
Mohamed Sharuhaan
State of Emergency
Amnesty says Maldivian authorities using SoE 'as a license for repression', calls to release detainees
Amnesty International called on Maldives to "immediately and unconditionally release all people who have been arbitrarily detained the state of emergency"
“Those who were peacefully protesting against the state of emergency should never have been detained in the first place," it added
State of emergency extension “was forced through parliament in the absence of a quorum”

Amnesty International has said that the government of Maldives “is using the state of emergency as a license for repression, targeting members of civil society, judges and political opponents”.

While a 15-day state of emergency was declared in the Maldives on 5th February, which has since been extended by 30 days, Amnesty on Tuesday called on authorities to “immediately and unconditionally release all people who have been arbitrarily detained the state of emergency”.

It noted that that they were arrested “solely for exercising their human rights” and called to “halt attacks on peaceful protesters”.

Noting that members of the judiciary and political opponents “have been held arbitrarily” since the declaration of a state of emergency, Amnesty called for their immediate release “unless promptly charged with a recognizable criminal offence”. It also noted that several arbitrary detentions have been documented under the state of emergency, “mainly of peaceful protesters and journalists”.

“Those who were peacefully protesting against the state of emergency should never have been detained in the first place and must be released immediately and unconditionally. The Maldivian government is using the state of emergency as a license for repression, targeting members of civil society, judges and political opponents,” said Dinushika Dissanayake, its Deputy South Asia Director.

Noting that extension of the state of emergency on 20th February “was forced through parliament in the absence of a quorum,” Amnesty highlighted this “was deemed unconstitutional by the Malduves Prosecutor General”.

Amnesty, in its statement, also highlighted police’s use of “unnecessary and excessive force” against journalists and peaceful protesters, as well as the curfew imposed after 10:30 pm “prohibiting protesters from gathering after that time”.

Noting that “people have a right to protest peacefully and journalists have a right to document and report on these protests freely and without fear,” Dissanayake said that the state of emergency “cannot be used to justify such a crackdown on the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly”.

“The authorities must immediately halt the attacks on peaceful protesters and effectively investigate those suspected to be responsible and hold them to account,” said the South Asia Deputy Director.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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