K. Male'
26 Feb 2018 | Mon 22:33
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maldives - European Union
Maldives 'notes' EU Council's conclusions, says SoE will be lifted after threats to national security 'are addressed satisfactorily'
EU said it may consider targeted sanctions, if things do not improve in Maldives
Government assures the “safety and security” foreign residents and visitors
The government says that it “remains firmly committed to upholding the Constitution and the rule of law”.

Following the European Union’s warning to impose targeted sanctions on government officials “if things do not improve,” the Maldivian government has assured the it of the “safety and security” foreign residents and visitors.

Responding to the Council of the European Union’s Conclusions on Maldives on Monday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it notes the conclusions of the Council, adding that the country “remains firmly committed to upholding the Constitution and the rule of law”.

The political turmoil in the country intensified following a Supreme Court order releasing a number of high-profile prisoners, which the President refused to implement. Instead, President Abdulla Yameen decided to declare a 15-day state of emergency, which has since been extended by 30 days. The ministry, in its statement, noted that in its decision to extend the state of emergency, “the Parliament had lifted some of the restrictions imposed on the Constitutional Articles under the State of Emergency and declared the State of Emergency to be applied only to individuals alleged to have carried out illegal activities in connection to the Supreme Court Verdict of 1 February 2018”.

While the Council called on the authorities “to immediately lift the state of emergency, and restore all constitutionally guaranteed rights”, the foreign ministry said that it will be done so “as soon as the threats posed to national security are addressed satisfactorily”.

“The measures taken by the Government was to ensure national security and Constitutional order, to uphold rule of law and to safeguard the peace and stability of the nation,” claimed the government.

While the EU Council had also expressed concern over the possible impact the current situation could have on the “security of foreign residents and visitors, including tourists”, the Ministry said that it remains firmly committed “to ensuring the safety and security of foreign nationals residing in the country, as well as tourists visiting the Maldives on vacation”.

Furthermore, noting that it is “committed to resolving the current situation and has invited all Political Parties for dialogue,” the government said that it “appreciates the European Union for standing with the Maldives during this difficult period and calls to help facilitate the ongoing efforts to resolve the current Constitutional Crisis, and to return to normalcy”.

“The Government of Maldives will continue to work with the European Union and its member countries and appreciates the continued support and cooperation that the European Union is continuing to extend in strengthening the electoral, governance and democratic structures and framework,” it said.

The government’s statement also noted that the Election’s Commission has begun preparations for this year’s Presidential Elections, and added that it “looks forward to having a free, fair and credible Presidential election in September of this year,” and said that it “requests the support and guidance of all relevant stakeholders” in ensuring that.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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