K. Male'
26 Feb 2018 | Mon 13:32
A number of lawyers filed a petition at the Supreme Court in September 2017, which led to their suspension
A number of lawyers filed a petition at the Supreme Court in September 2017, which led to their suspension
State of Emergency
High-profile LAWASIA mission barred from entering Maldives
The delegation arrived in Maldives on Sunday night
They were refused entry to Maldives for 10 hours before they flew back to Colombo
LAWASIA had, back in September 2017, passed a resolution to send a fact-finding mission to the Maldives, following the mass suspension of lawyers

A delegation of the Law Association for Asia and the Pacific (LAWASIA) have been barred from entering the Maldives.

RaajjeMV understands that the high-profile delegation arrived in the Maldives on Sunday evening, and were kept at Velana International Airport for over 10 hours, before they eventually left to Colombo.

The mission included; LAWASIA’s President Christopher Leong; its former President current President-Elect of Bar Association of India, Prashant Kumar; Executive committee member Upul Jayasuriya, President of the Bar Association of Singapore Gregory Vijayendran; a retired Judge of the Court of Appeal of Malaysia, Dato’ Mohamed Ariff Md Yusaf; President of the Law Society of New South Wales, Doug Humphreys; member of Japan Federation of Bar Associations, Professor Yasushi Higashizawa; and solicitor for LAWAISA and member of the Law Society of New South Wales Kate Hewson.

The Immigration Department is yet to reveal the reason for deporting the high-profile mission.

LAWASIA had, back in September 2017, passed a resolution to send a fact-finding mission to the Maldives, following the mass suspension of lawyers. They had made appointments with prominent lawyers in the country as well.

The Department of Judicial Administration had suspended 54 lawyers on the 10th of September 2017, out of the 56 who signed a petition calling for the judiciary's reform (the other two were already under suspension).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
- comment
6 years ago
Wakeup... Before the age of social media when truth become collateral damage, Islamic tradition promoted a strong ethic of seeking the truth at all cost. The Quran which Muslims believe to be the word of God states in chapter 33 verse 70 “O you who believe! Keep your duty to God and fear Him, and speak (always) the truth.” Further in chapter 4 verse 135 the Quran states “You who believe, uphold justice and bear witness to God, even if it is against yourselves, your parents, or your close relatives. Whether the person is rich or poor, God can best take care of both. Refrain from following your own desire, so that you can act justly–if you distort or neglect justice, God is fully aware of what you do.”