K. Male'
25 Feb 2018 | Sun 21:17
Maldives resort
Maldives resort
Maldives Tourism
TEAM urges tourism workers to stand up against the "illegitimate" SoE
TEAM claims the SoE is that of an unconstitutional one
"Employees are redundant in the tourism sector and all resort employees must think, and stand up against the tyranny"
Countries releasing travel advisories on the Maldives, largely impacts the tourism sector, guest house and hotel rates are recorded significantly low, future bookings are being cancelled.

Tourism Employees Association of the Maldives (TEAM) has urged all to stand up against the state of emergency declared across the country on the 5th of February.

TEAM has declared that employees have become "redundant" and that all resort employees must think, and stand up against what it claims as an 'unconstitutional' state of emergency. 

The association attached a notice given to one of Dhigufaru Island resort employees to their tweet, which apparently relieves the worker from his duties. 

The notice reads, "As a result of unforeseen low occupancy for March and April 2018, economic downturn and rcquiring less staff, the position of F&B staffs reduced. Regrettably this means that your employment will terminate. This decision is not a reflection on your performance"

The management of the resort apparently took this decision after a look into "the outcome of a recent review by the Management for operational requirements on Dhigufaru Island Resort for upcoming months and resort closure for extension project on May 2018" as stated in the notice. 

While reports claim that many resorts are cutting off their staff, resort workers continue to call on the lifting of the state of emergency that is supposedly making a big impact on tourism industry. 

Some countries have gone so far as to announce travel advisories on the Maldives after the SoE was declared, calling on their locals to refrain from travelling to Maldives at this time. 

Some of the countries that have released a travel advisory on the Maldives include some of the country's largely known tourist vacationers, China and European countries. 

It is also notable that the occupancy rates of hotels and guest houses have significantly plummeted after the declaration of the SoE. Future bookings to the country are also perceivably been cancelled. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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