K. Male'
25 Feb 2018 | Sun 20:57
Former president Mohamed Nasheed
Former president Mohamed Nasheed
Azmoon Ahmed
Mohamed Nasheed
Nasheed urges authorities to allow political activities
Police spokesperson says opposition gatherings will not be allowed after 10:30 pm
Nasheed calls on the government to permit nightly protests as it is what gives the people 'strength' to keep them going against all odds. 
Many arrests have been observed at nightly rallies, including assault on activists and attack on media freedom

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has tweeted against the police's curfew on political rallies declared earlier on Sunday. 

He called on the government to permit nightly protests as it is what gives the people 'strength' to keep them going against all odds. 

In his tweet, he mentions that the people should be given their right to protest. Going on to call for the immediate release of opposition members arrested in the recent gatherings. 

Nasheed in his tweet calls on the Maldives Police Service to end their suppression of peaceful political activities held by the opposition on a nightly basis. 

The police had issued a curfew on political rallies with no exemptions earlier on Sunday, following an appeal by ruling PPM's spokesperson and Fonadhoo member of parliament Abdul Raheem Abdulla made in a press conference held on Sunday afternoon. 

The opposition has been taking to the streets nightly to call on the immediate implementation of the supreme court order issued on the 1st of February, calling for the release of all political detainees and to reverse the retaining of 12 MP's seats.

It is observed that arrests are made almost every night at these protests. While some are seen assaulted by the police, so far one individual has flown to India to seek treatment for a broken arm. Another is in a coma after recently having been subject to a heavy amount of pepper spray.

One of the rallies saw the targeting of police brutality towards Journalists, injuring many working on the field and a reporter from RaajjeTV, Hussain Hassan having to be flown to Sri Lanka for medical attention after having been subject to assault while in police custody.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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