K. Male'
25 Feb 2018 | Sun 11:48
One of the arrested MNDF officers
One of the arrested MNDF officers
State of Emergency
Families told that MNDF SPG officers not arrested, but 'they are on duty'
Police denied their arrest
The families noted that "this is not the first time they have had to work in such a state"
Two police officers have also been arrested, over an ongoing investigation

The families of military officers reported to have been arrested, have been informed that “they are on duty”.

While RaajjeMV understands that two officers of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF)’s Special Protection Group (SPG) were arrested on Thursday, their families have said that they have been unable to contact them since they left to the MNDF headquarters that day.

When the families contacted the SPG Commander for information, they were told that the two were not in custody, and that they were on duty. However, the families emphasized that this is not the first time they have had to work in such a state, adding that the families had “never been left in the dark like this before”.

While RaajjeMV understands that officers from the police’s SPG are being arrested, police on Thursday revealed that two police officers had been arrested over an ongoing investigation as well. It did not reveal any further information on the matter.

Saif Hussain, former Commander of the police Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team was arrested on Thursday night, along with a former officer of the Special Operation’s Group.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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