K. Male'
25 Feb 2018 | Sun 11:49
China Eastern Airline flight
China Eastern Airline flight
State of Emergency
Flight crew members cease spending layovers in Maldives
A state of emergency was declared in the Maldives on 5th February
"The tourism industry has been hit like never before"
Occupancy rate at hotels and guesthouses have fallen since the state of emergency declaration

Crew members from some Chinese airlines have ceased spending layovers in Maldives.

Noting that these flights land in the Maldives two to three times a day, some hotel officials said that the crew members of the flights used to spend their layovers in the Maldives, but that they choose to fly to Colombo, Sri Lanka since the declaration of a state of emergency on 5th February.

“China Eastern and China Southern flights land in the Maldives daily. Most crew members from these flights have ceased spending their layovers in the Maldives. This is a big loss for the hotel industry,” said a hotel official, who spoke to RaajjeMV on the condition of anonymity.

The official emphasized that the occupancy rate at hotels and guesthouses have fallen since the state of emergency was decreed.

“The tourism industry has been hit like never before. If the state of emergency is prolonged, it will be a huge loss to the industry,” added the official.

While the state of emergency has been extended to a total of 45 days, reports indicate that the Prosecutor General does not believe that the extension is constitutional, and has informed authorities to release those arrested under the state of emergency declaration. While the Attorney General is reported to have supported the PG’s decision, relevant authorities are yet to do so.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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