K. Male'
25 Feb 2018 | Sun 09:48
From Saturday night\'s opposition protest
From Saturday night's opposition protest
State of Emergency
Five arrested from opposition protest in the capital
Lawyer Nazim Sattar revealed that five protesters were arrested from the opposition protest in Male' CIty on Saturday
Police yet to confirm
The Joint Opposition has been having nightly protests since 1st February

Five people were arrested from the opposition’s protest in Male' City on Saturday night.

While the police are yet to confirm the number of arrestees, lawyer Nazim Abdul Sattar, who is representing protest detainees, confirmed it to RaajjeMV.

Nazim said that one of the arrested had sustained injuries to the leg during the arrest, adding that the arrested included a couple as well.

Furthermore, he said that those being arrested are accused of obstruction of a law enforcement officer, under the Penal Code.

Saturday night’s protest began at the campaign office of the main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP). However, when police officers attempted to disperse the crowd gathered, the protesters took to the streets.

While a number of police officers were active to “control” the crowd, they had been unable to do so by 2 am, and the protest continued.

While the opposition's protests are being held across the nation, five were arrested from the protest in Addu City on Saturday evening. All five have since been released.

The Joint Opposition has been having nightly protests since 1st February, calling on authorities to implement the initial ruling issued by the Supreme Court on that day, freeing nine political prisoners and reinstating the 12 lawmakers unseated by the Elections Commisison due to floor-crossing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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