K. Male'
24 Feb 2018 | Sat 21:40
All five protesters have been released, confirmed Addu City Mayor
All five protesters have been released, confirmed Addu City Mayor
State of Emergency
All protesters arrested in Addu City released
Mayor Sodig confirmed their release to RaajjeMV
They were arrested on Saturday evening
Addu City is to hold daily protests calling on authorities to implement the Supreme Court ruling issued on 1st February

Those arrested from an opposition protest in Addu City, have been released.

While five protesters were arrested on Saturday evening, Addu City Mayor Abdulla Sodig confirmed to RaajjeMV that they have since been released. Those arrested on Saturday include the city’s deputy mayor, Mohamed Yashrif.

Noting that they were told to sign a statement before being let go, Sodig said that they have been conditioned to inform the police if they are to take part in any gathering.

Sodig said that their movement will not stop, despite the arrests, adding that the government’s refusal to implement the order issued by the Supreme Court “is worrying”.

The Joint Opposition has said that they will be holding daily protests in Addu City, called the ‘never ending protest’, until the government implements the Supreme Court order to release political prisoners.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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