K. Male'
24 Feb 2018 | Sat 23:28
Hussain Shifau with former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Hussain Shifau with former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Police looking into the matter
Police probe assault of activist in custody
Shifau was arrested near JP campaign office M. Kunooz
At about the ‘1:12’ mark, police clearly allow two men to mount the vehicle and assault him
Police allow these men to shove and push Shifau for about seven seconds before intervening

Police service's spokesperson Ahmed Shifan has said they are investigating the assault of an activist in their custody.

Hussain Shifau was arrested near Jumhooree Party (JP)'s campaign office Maafannu Kunooz on Friday night.

While he was a participant of the rally, the assault inflicted upon him was recorded on a video that has since gone viral on social media.

Video footage of the activist arrested at last night's demonstration shows him being placed inside the police vehicle and then two officers who weren't in their uniforms climbing in after him and grabbing his neck.

Officers in riot gear are seen allowing the assailants to push him around inside the vehicle after grabbing him by the neck. 

A while later two SO officers are seen seperating the assailants from Shifau. 

While Shifau has now been released, his spouse has taken to twitter to voice concern over the way he was assaulted on the way to the police HQ. Her tweet read 'No one should be treated this way'



While it is not permitted for the police to assault those in their custody after boarding a police vehicle, the only permissible way for the police to use force is if the person refuses to go with them in an orderly manner and if they struggle. It is not acceptable for the police to assault a citizen in their custody, or in any other manner. It is believed that some officers use these tactics on detainees even though it is uncalled for. 

While pictures and the video footage of Shifau being assaulted are spreading like wildfire on social media. Many have spoken out about the matter. 

Protesters participating in the recent continual rallies across the country have affirmed that police use excessive force to disperse the crowd, often resorting to violence.

Police have also aimed their target towards journalists covering the rallies. Some have also been injured and violently arrested, with RaajjeTV’s Hussain Hassan seeking medical treatment in Sri Lanka after being assaulted while in police custody.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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