K. Male'
15 Jan 2018 | Mon 11:41
File photo: Former First Couple, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim visit son MP Faris Maumoon in Maafushi Prison
File photo: Former First Couple, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim visit son MP Faris Maumoon in Maafushi Prison
MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Those responsible for outrageous acts of injustice will pay for it “sooner rather than later”, says ex-Pres.
MP Faris has been in prison since July 2017, yet to be convicted
Faris is charged with bribery and identity theft, with Court ordering to keep him in remand until the trial into bribery allegations conclude
He marked 100 days in prison on Saturday

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has sent a warning to those responsible for outrageous acts of injustice saying that they will have to pay for it “sooner rather than later”.

In a tweet sent out on Sunday night, the former President noted that his son and MP for Dhiggaru constituency, Ahmed Faris Maumoon marked 180 days in prison on Saturday ‘without a court sentence or even any evidence of wrongdoing presented in court’.

“Those responsible for this outrageous act of injustice will pay for it sooner rather than later,” he added.

Maumoon had previously said that keeping in any person in arbitrary detention ‘is pure tyranny’.

Arrested on July 2017, Faris has been in police custody since, with the Criminal Court ordering to keep him in remand until the investigation and trial into bribery allegations conclude. He has since been charged with bribery and identity theft, and has denied both charges.

The opposition, including Maumoon’s former rival former President Mohamed Nasheed have called for Faris’ immediate release, saying that ‘those responsible for his jailing should be held accountable’.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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