K. Male'
04 Jan 2018 | Thu 14:36
Indian army assisting fishermen who were stranded due to Cyclone Ockhi
Indian army assisting fishermen who were stranded due to Cyclone Ockhi
Cyclone Ockhi Aftermath
Indian fishermen launch own operation in Maldives, to locate their missing peers
36 fishermen traveled to Maldives in eight boats, after obtaining permission from the foreign ministry
They are to search the uninhabited islands in Maldives
They are expected to conclude operation on Friday

Fishermen from Kanniyakumari, India have launched their own search operation in Maldives, to locate those who went missing after Cyclone Ockhi.

India’s ‘The Hindu’ reported that eight mechanized boats from Vallavilai had left to Maldives with 36 Kanniyakumari fishermen, to search uninhabited islands, on December 29. It said that they launched their own operation after losing ‘trust’ in the search operations being conducted by Indian authorities.

It noted that the fishermen have obtained the required permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through the Indian Embassy in Maldives.

After being granted the permission, the fishermen left to the Maldives on December 29, and was expected to reach the Maldives by Tuesday or Wednesday. They are to conclude the search operation by January 5.

According to the mission coordinator, they have yet to hear from the fishermen regarding the ones that went missing.

While the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has confirmed that the Indian Embassy had shared information that eight boats carrying 36 fishermen have launched a search operation for the missing fishermen, MNDF had not detailed that they will be searching uninhabited islands.

Cyclone Ockhi, which originated at sea on the west of Sri Lanka, has caused extensive damage to the region, with India and Sri Lanka reporting that 67 fishing vessels had gone missing due to the cyclone.

MNDF had, back in December, informed that damaged foreign vessels have been set adrift into Maldivian territory due to Cyclone Ockhi. One of these boats, 'Rashani', was located near Thuraakunu island of Haa Alifu atoll on December 11.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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