K. Male'
04 Jan 2018 | Thu 12:11
MP Faris Maumoon's poster for the Dhiggaru constituency by-elections
MP Faris Maumoon's poster for the Dhiggaru constituency by-elections
MP Faris Maumoon
Pres. Yameen had spent over MVR 8 million against Faris, alleges MP Mahloof
MP Mahloof claims the President used the amount against Faris in PPM's primary for the Dhiggaru constituency by-elections
The Dhiggaru constituency by-elections were held in 2015
Faris is charged with bribery and identity theft, with Court ordering to keep him in remand until the trial into bribery allegations conclude

President Abdulla Yameen had spent over MVR eight million against MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon, alleges Galolhu South constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof.

The opposition lawmaker said, via twitter, that the President spent the amount against his half-nephew, in the ruling party’s primary for the Dhiggaru constituency by-elections in 2015.

MP Mahloof’s tweet is in response to a tweet by Faris’ sister Yumna Maumoon, who emphasized that the state “cannot say when, where and at what time [MP Faris] is supposed to have given this alleged bribe”, adding that “there is no case against him”.

“This is all politically motived to stop his reform work,” she added.

MP Mahloof responded that the Dhiggaru MP is jailed “for standing against his uncle’s kleptocratic government,” emphasizing that he is “innocent and should be freed immediately”.

Arrested on July 18, Faris has been in police custody since, with the Criminal Court ordering to keep him in remand until the investigation and trial into bribery allegations conclude. He has since been charged with bribery and identity theft, and has denied both charges.

He is charged under Section 510 of the Penal Code, of having offered to bribe a public official or influence official authority, and this ‘class three’ felony carries a sentence of three years and 12 months. He is charged with identity fraud for allegedly having used the ruling party’s flag and logo at a joint press conference with leaders of the opposition.

Faris’ defence team is to file his case at the United Nation’s Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) this month.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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