K. Male'
31 Dec 2017 | Sun 11:20
15 participants graduated MAM's Human Resources course in Noonu Hen'badhoo
15 participants graduated MAM's Human Resources course in Noonu Hen'badhoo
Hussein Fiyaz
Maritime Academy of Maldives
MAM concludes Human Resources course in Henbadhoo, 15 participants graduate
15 participants graduated MAM's Human Resources course in Noonu Hen'badhoo
A graduation ceremony was held this past weekend
MAM is to hold an IT Course in Landhoo island

Maritime Academy of Maldives (MAM)’s business school has concluded its Human Resource Management course in Hen’badhoo island of Noonu atoll.

Following the completion of the Level Three course, a graduation ceremony was held this past weekend, with Landhoo island Council Director Hassan Naseer Ibrahim as the guest of honour.

MAM’s chief operating officer Adhil Rasheed as well as other senior officials were present at the ceremony.

15 participants completed the course, with Aminath Ahmed from Hen’badhoo taking the top honours.

Speaking at the ceremony, CEO Rasheed vowed to hold more such courses in the island, despite the low number of participants. He also touched up on the Information Technology (IT) course to be held in Landhoo island, emphasizing that such courses will help bring ‘a big change’ to the entire atoll.

Landhoo Council Director noted that being able to partake in such courses at home ‘is a blessing,’ thanking Maritime Academy of Maldives for providing the opportunity.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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