K. Male'
30 Dec 2017 | Sat 17:48
Hinnavaru residents gather at a site leased to a Thai company on Friday evening
Hinnavaru residents gather at a site leased to a Thai company on Friday evening
Hinnavaru Island
Hinnavaru Council to share details of land lease with residents
Council President said details will be shared next week
The council is to share lease details with the media too
13 hectares of the newly reclaimed land have reportedly been leased to a Thai company

Hinnavaru island council has agreed to share details of the leasing of the island’s reclaimed land.

The council’s decision comes after its residents protested over the government’s decision to lease 13 hectares of the newly reclaimed land to a Thai company.

They protested over the lack of transparency in leasing the land.

Abdulla Ibrahim, President of the Hinnavaru Council, told RaajjeMV that they will be sharing details on the land lease “next week”. When questioned whether it has indeed been given to a Thai company, Ibrahim replied that “work has commenced under an agreement”.

He added that they will sharing details with the media “soon” as well.

RaajjeMV understands that the Thai company is to establish a sea cucumber farming project in the area.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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