K. Male'
27 Dec 2017 | Wed 15:02
The accident took place in Addu City's Hithadhoo district on Tuesday morning
The accident took place in Addu City's Hithadhoo district on Tuesday morning
Addu live
Road Accident
Second victim in Addu City accident transferred to Malé
The accident took place in Addu City's Hithadhoo district on Tuesday morning
The 21-year-old was transferred to IGMH for further treatment late Tuesday night
14-year-old Arsham Ibrahim passed away not long after the accident

The second individual injured in Tuesday’s accident in Addu City has been brought to the capital city for further treatment.

Addu City’s Hithadhoo Regional Hospital confirmed to RaajjeMV that the accident victim was transferred to Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Malé City late Tuesday night.

While the 21-year-old had been riding the motorcycle that crashed into a pickup in the city’s Hithadhoo district, an official from the hospital said that he had suffered serious injuries to the head and legs.

The other victim, 14-year-old Arsham Ibrahim from Vaadhoo island of Gaafu Dhaalu, passed away not long after the accident, while being treated at the Hithadhoo Regional Hospital.

Police continues to investigate the matter.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
- comment
6 years ago
His name is Arushaan not Arusham