K. Male'
27 Dec 2017 | Wed 12:17
Maldives Police Services headquarters in the capital Malé city
Maldives Police Services headquarters in the capital Malé city
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maldives Police Service
Maldives Police highlights key areas it is to direct its efforts in 2018
MPS highlighted four areas in its Annual Commitments 2018 report
It said that it is committed to ensuring ‘a credible, peaceful’ presidential vote in 2018

Maldives Police Service (MPS) has committed to ensuring ‘a credible, peaceful’ presidential vote in 2018.

The institution released its Annual Commitments 2018 report on Wednesday, highlighting its operational priorities for the upcoming year.

According to MPS, the purpose of the report is ‘to highlight key areas' which MPS ‘will direct its efforts and resources’ in 2018.

The areas highlighted are, policing with confidence, presidential elections 2018, community reassurance and organizational development.

MPS said that the desired outcomes of this plan are; less actual crime and road trauma, fewer victims; ensure a credible and peaceful presidential vote; confident, safe and secure communities; and an innovative police service.

MPS said that the successful implementation of these priorities will enable it to work towards achieving the desired outcomes of its strategic plan for 2014 to 2018.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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