K. Male'
26 Dec 2017 | Tue 12:09
President Abdulla Yameen arrives in Baa Thulhaadhoo
President Abdulla Yameen arrives in Baa Thulhaadhoo
Presidents Office
President Yameen in Thulhaadho
President greeted by protesters in Baa Thulhaadhoo
President Yameen arrived in Thulhaadhoo on Tuesday morning
The protesters were pushed back by the police
President Yameen is on the last day of a three-day tour

President Abdulla Yameen arrived in Thulhaadhoo island of Baa atoll on Tuesday morning.

He is on the last day of a three-day tour to South Miladhunmadulu (Noonu) atoll, Faadhihpolhu (Lahviyani) atoll and South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) atoll. He was in Maalhendhoo, Hen’badhoo, Holhudhoo and Velidhoo islands in Noonu atoll.

The President inaugurated the 1210 feet long and 550 feet wide harbour of Thulhadhoo Island, and attended a function held to mark the completion of beach protection project.

A number of people were gathered near the jetty for the president’s arrival, with some there to welcome him while the others opted to raise their voices against the President. The latter group was pushed back by officers of the Maldives Police Service (MPS).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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