K. Male'
24 Dec 2017 | Sun 12:41
President Abdulla Yameen Maalhendhoo island of South Mliadhummadulu (Noonu) atoll
President Abdulla Yameen Maalhendhoo island of South Mliadhummadulu (Noonu) atoll
Pres. Yameen in Maalhendhoo
Pres. inaugurates harbour, mosque in N. Maalhendhoo, reminds the people they hold the power in a democracy
President Yameen is currently on a three-day visit to South Miladhunmadulu (Noonu) atoll, Faadhihpolhu (Lahviyani) atoll and South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) atoll
He inaugurated the harbour and mosque in Maalhendhoo
President Yameen also assured the people that an international airport will be built in Maafaru island 'within next year'

President Abdulla Yameen inaugurated the harbour of Maalhendhoo island of South Mliadhummadulu (Noonu) atoll on Sunday morning.

The 800 feet long and 250 feet wide harbour was built by the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), with the government spending MVR 26 million on the project.

Speaking at the ceremony, President Yameen said that it is the people that are the leaders in a democracy, and that they are the ones that are there ‘to encourage and advise the [elected] leaders and show them the right path’. He added that in a democracy, the people have the power to ‘let go of one benefit and deflect to the other’.

Furthermore, speaking on the development of an airport in Maafaru island on Noonu atoll, the President noted that it has been ‘around 10 years’ since the talk first began. He then spoke of plans to open ‘a big, good quality international airport’ in the island ‘within next year’, adding that the airport will increase tourism in the atoll.

President Yameen also noted that opening an airport will not just increase the number of resorts in the atoll, but that the people will be able to open up guest houses and take full advantage of it.

Noting that those who have been assigned to develop the airport have been ordered to finish the project within six months’ time, President Yameen highlighted that the work is being carried out at ‘a high-speed’.

President Yameen also inaugurated the Masjid-ul-Taqwa in Maalhendhoo island on Sunday. Funded by the government of Saudi Arabia, the mosque can accommodate upto 500 worshippers at a time.

President Yameen left on a three-day visit to South Miladhunmadulu (Noonu) atoll, Faadhihpolhu (Lahviyani) atoll and South Maalhosmadulu (Baa) atoll, on Sunday morning.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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