K. Male'
24 Dec 2017 | Sun 09:51
President Yameen departed on a three-day visit to Noonu, Lhaviyani and Baa atolls, on Sunday morning
President Yameen departed on a three-day visit to Noonu, Lhaviyani and Baa atolls, on Sunday morning
Twitter/Presidency Maldives
President Yameen
President Yameen departs on a three-day visit to Noonu, Lhaviyani and Baa atolls
The President has official businesses in all three atolls
RaajjeMV understands that President Yameen is to stay at Cheval Blanc Randheli on Sunday night
Preparations for the President's visit were done by housing ministry staff

President Abdulla Yameen has departed on a three-day visit on Sunday morning, to South Miladhunmadulu (Noonu) atoll, Fadhihpolhu (Lahviyani) atoll and South Malhosmadulu (Baa) atoll.

During his visit to Noonu atoll, the President is to inaugurate the harbours at Maalhendhoo, Holhudhoo and Velidhoo islands, as well as open the Maalhendhoo mosque and inaugurate the sewerage services in Hen’badhoo island.

RaajjeMV understands that Velidhoo islands has been decorated for the President’s arrival, with 80 feet to 50 feet set up for him, with air-conditioning, reportedly by staff members at the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure.

From Hen’badhoo island, President Yameen will travel to Hinnavaru island is Lhaviyani atoll. He is to inaugurate the services for clean drinking water in Hinnavaru, before heading to Baa atoll’s Kendhoo island, to inaugurate the harbour there.

He is to travel to Baa Eydhafushi next, to take part in the ceremony to mark the completion of the land reclamation project, and the beach protection projects in Eydhafushi and Thulhaadhoo Islands.

RaajjeMV understands that President Yameen is to stay at Cheval Blanc Randheli, in Noonu atoll, on Sunday night.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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