K. Male'
06 Dec 2017 | Wed 07:01
Obstruction charges were raised against 12 opposition parliamentarians in August
Obstruction charges were raised against 12 opposition parliamentarians in August
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Trials on Parliamentarians
Trial against 12 opposition MPs: Preliminary hearing postponed to allow more time for one of the defendants
Obstruction charges were raised against 12 opposition parliamentarians in August
Could lose their Parliament seats if proven guilty
Hearing was postponed to allow time for Kendhoo constituency MP Ali Hussain to appoint an attorney

Tuesday's preliminary hearing in the obstruction case against 12 opposition parliamentarians has been cancelled, to allow time more time to appoint a lawyer.

One of the defendants, Kendhoo constituency MP Ali Hussain had failed to appoint a lawyer by Tuesday's hearing, and the Criminal Court decided to postpone the hearing, so that the MP can seek legal representation.

The rest of the accused had appointed prominent lawyers Hisaan Hussain and Noorul Salaam Aboobakur. Speaking at the hearing, Hisaan requested that the trial moves forward with Ali Hussain, following which the presiding judge opted to stop the hearing, and give MP Hussain five days to appoint a lawyer.

A hearing in the case was scheduled for last Wednesday as well, but was cancelled.

MP Ali Hussain, a lawyer himself, had said that the lawyer he had appointed was 'still under suspension'. When asked how much time he needed to appoint a new attorney, he said that he was not sure when his lawyer's suspension will be lifted.

Responding to Hussain, presiding judge Adam Arif said that while the defendant has the constitutional right to be represented by an attorney during trial, that the attorney 'must be allowed to practice law'.

Also at Tuesday's hearing, Kinbidhoo constituency MP Abdulla Riyaz requested the court to lift the travel ban imposed on him. However, the judge replied that the ban was imposed on him after receiving intelligence reports that he was planning to flee the country. Riyaz denied the accusation, and emphasized that he had requested the court to allow him to fly abroad as his wife required medical attention, adding that this is proof that he was not trying to flee.

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for January 16, after a long break as lawyer Hisaan will be on leave.

The lawmakers are charged with obstruction for allegedly having broken police ranks and entering parliament grounds on July 24. Charges were raised against them under clauses 532 (a) and (c) of the Penal Code, on the 17th of August.

If proven guilty, all 12 MPs face a minimum jail term of four months and 24 days, and a maximum of one year.

The 12 MPs are: Hinnavaru constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Thulusdhoo constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Dhihdhoo constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed, Hithadhoo Central constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Didi, Hithadhoo North constituency MP Mohamed Aslam, Kendhoo Constituency MP Ali Hussain, Henveyru South Constituency MP Mohamed Abdul Kareem, Maafannu West Constituency MP Mohamed Falah, Nolhivaram Constituency MP Hussain Areef, Maduvvari Constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth, Vilingili Constituency MP Saud Hussain and Henveyru North Constituency MP Abdullah Shahid.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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