K. Male'
30 Nov 2017 | Thu 23:27
Current weather
Current weather
Ashwa Faheem
Current Weather Conditions
Yellow alert for Haa Alif to Vaavu atolls, white alert for Laamu to Seenu atolls
Yellow and white alerts on for most of the country
Winds can gust during showers
Met Department has appealed to exercise precaution

The Met Department has extended the yellow alert issued for islands from Haa Alif to Vaavu atolls.

In addition to the yellow alert, a white alert was issued for islands from Laamu to Seenu atolls.

Both alerts were issued from 7pm to 1am.

Torrential rain with average strong winds of 30 - 40 mph and winds are expected to gust to 55 mph are expected in the areas.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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