K. Male'
30 Nov 2017 | Thu 12:21
Sri Lankan Met Department issued a red notice warning on Wednesday
Sri Lankan Met Department issued a red notice warning on Wednesday
Maldivians in Sri Lanka advised to be on alert due to adverse weather conditions
Sri Lankan Met Department has issued a red notice warning
Maldivians in Lanka urged to contact the Maldivian Embassy in Sri Lanka, in case of emergencies
Maldives Meteorological Services has also issued a warning due to the prevailing weather conditions

Maldivians in Sri Lanka have been advised to stay indoors, amid the prevailing adverse weather conditions in the country.

Noting that the Sri Lanka's Department of Meteorology has issued a red notice warning, Maldives Ambassador to the Sri Lanka, Mohamed Hussain Shareef advised all Maldivians in Sri Lanka to be cautious of the weather conditions.

"We advise all Maldivians in Sri Lanka to stay indoors and avoid non-essential trips outside, as a precaution against strong winds and stormy weather affecting Colombo and suburbs at the moment," said the recently appointed ambassador, via twitter.

Further noting that 'the eye of the depression is passing due west of the city,' Shareef noted urged all Maldivians to contact the embassy, in case of any emergencies.

Due to the depression that developed near Sri Lanka on Wednesday, Maldives Meteorological Services has also issued a warning, especially to sea travelers, to be wary of the prevailing weather conditions.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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