K. Male'
28 Nov 2017 | Tue 17:51
Suman Mia
Suman Mia
Ismail Umar's Murder
Ismail Umar murder: Suman Mia confesses in court
Mia confessed at a hearing held on Monday
He explained in graphic detail about the chain of events leading up to the gruesome murder
The next hearing in the case is scheduled for January 8, 2018

Suman Mia, the primary suspect in the murder of Ismail Umar, confessed in court on Monday, explaining in graphic detail about the chain of events leading up to the gruesome murder.

54-year-old Ismail Umar's body was found in the ice plant in Ihavandhoo island of Haa Alifu atoll on June 16, and first-degree murder charges were raised against Mia over the murder.

Testifying at Monday's preliminary hearing, Mia explained in horrific detail, via a translator, the events that led to him taking the life of his boss. In his confession, Mia emphasized that he has 'not been coerced to confess.

Mia said that he decided to kill Umar because 'he was full of complaints'. Noting the various issues he had with Umar, Mia said that he was constantly in trouble with his wife, who lives in Bangladesh, because of Umar, with her even leaving the home they shared together. Mia said that this was the result of him not being able to take his wife's call, because of Umar's disapproval. He also noted that Umar had failed to pay him for over time.

Noting that he had first worked in Felivaru, Mia said that its managing director decided to transfer him to the Ihavandhoo Ice Plant, but that he did not go there willingly. He said that he was ordered to go to Ihavandhoo, if he wanted to keep his job. According to Mia, he had requested Umar to transfer him back to Felivaru, but that Umar did not want listen to him.

Mia said that a few days before he attacked Umar, he had even attempted to flee because of this reason.

He told the Court about how he purchased a 12-foot rope with the intention of strangling Umar. Then Mia said that he decided to take a knife with him, incase he failed to kill Umar with just the rope.

According to Mia, he entered Umar's room during dawn, with the rope and knife. He had tried to strangle Umar with the rope first, but he woke up and started struggling. Mia said it was after Umar began fighting back that he remembered the knife, which he grabbed and stabbed him.

Mia said that Umar had grabbed the knife from him before he was able to attack him for a third time, but that he managed to snatch it back from him. Mia noted that he was cut during the struggle.

He said that he then pushed Umar on to the floor, stabbing him in the neck, after which he continued to attack him, by kicking and hitting him. Mia added that Umar was still alive at that time, noting that his hands were still moving, and that he was attempting to say something, which, he said, was "not clear" to him.

Furthermore, Mia said that he went to meet a friend afterwards, after making sure that all the doors in the room were locked. He told his friend that he had gotten into a quarrel with Umar, but did not tell him that he had killed him moments before. He then worked on finding a transfer out of Ihavandhoo.

According to Mia, he returned to the ice plant later that morning, and that Umar was motionless when he entered the room through a small window. He said that the rope and knife he used to attack Umar were still in the room.

Mia then dragged Umar's body to a saltwater tank inside the ice plant, and had attempted to throw the body inside the tank. He noted that he failed to do so on his own, and had instead decided to throw the knife in the tank. Mia said he had even tried to clean up the blood on the floor, from when he dragged Umar's body to the tank.

Mia then traveled to Kulhudhuffushi island in order to flee, but was apprehended before he was able to leave the island to the capital Malé City. His ultimate plan was to head back to Bangladesh, he said.

Despite the detailed confession, the prosecutor's requested for the court to hear the testimonies of the witnesses, due to the seriousness of the crime.

The next hearing in the case is scheduled for January 8, 2018.



Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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