K. Male'
26 Nov 2017 | Sun 14:20
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Iwao Horii arrived in the Maldives late Saturday night
Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Iwao Horii arrived in the Maldives late Saturday night
Foreign Ministry
Japan - Maldives
Japanese Vice Minister Horii in Maldives to celebrate 50 years of diplomatic relations between both countries
The Vice Minister arrived in the Maldives late Saturday night, on an official visit
The Foreign Ministry said that his visit is in connection with the 50th anniversary of Maldives-Japan diplomatic relations
Horii called on President Yameen on Sunday morning

Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Iwao Horii arrived in the Maldives late Saturday night.

According to a tweet posted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at around 12:22 am on Saturday, Horii was received by Foreign Secretary Ahmed Sareer, at Velana International Airport.

The Ministry further noted that he is on an 'official visit' to mark the 50th anniversary since the Maldives and Japan established diplomatic relations.

Earlier on Sunday, Foreign Minister Dr. Mohamed Asim welcomed the Horii to the Maldives, via twitter.

Vice Minister Horii calls on President Yameen

Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Iwao Horii (L) called on President Abdulla Yameen on Sunday morning

The Japanese Vice Minister paid a courtesy call on President Abdulla Yameen on Sunday morning.

At the meeting held at the President's Office, President Yameen thanked the Japanese government 'for its pivotal role in the progress that the Maldives has attained in achieving socio-economic development goals and priorities'.

Noting that the Maldives 'attaches high importance' to its friendly ties with Japan, the President emphasized that the relation between both nations 'has stood the test of time'.

"The President also conveyed congratulations to the Government and the people of Japan on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between two countries," said the President's Office.

Conveying 'greeting and good wishes of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe' Vice- Minister Horii gave assurance to 'work closely to bolster existing ties for the common benefit of both countries and [its] people'.

Both parties also held discussions 'on expanding the tourism market in the Maldives for Japanese tourists, increasing trade and investment from Japan, strengthening counter-terrorism efforts bilaterally and multilaterally, fisheries development, and environment protection, particularly with respect to climate change mitigation and adaption efforts'.

"Also discussed were infrastructure development in waste-management, housing, as well as technical expertise from Japan in maritime safety and information technology," said the President's Office, adding that President expressed hope "to enhance bilateral cooperation on regional and international fronts of mutual concern".

Foreign Minister Asim, Minister of State for Foreign Relations at the President's Office Mohamed Naseer, Bilateral Secretary Ahmed Khaleel accompanied the President on the call, while Vice Minister Horii was accompanied by Japan's Ambassador to Maldives Kazumi Endo, Director at the Southwest Asia Division of Japan's Foreign Ministry Yoshitake Shogo and his Executive Assistant Yurina Nemoto.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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