K. Male'
19 Nov 2017 | Sun 22:25
Chair of Adhaalath Party's foreign relations committee, Shidhatha Shareef
Chair of Adhaalath Party's foreign relations committee, Shidhatha Shareef
Azmoon Ahmed
State Budget 2018
Shidhatha calls for action against finance minister
Finance Minister Munavvar openly said that Constituencies represented by MPs who do not support budget will be isolated
Shidhatha also noted that 'a budget passed against the Constitution is illegitimate'
Former President Maumoon has had his say on the matter as well

Action must be taken against those government officials who are working to influence the vote of parliamentarians, says Shidhatha Shareef.

In a tweet posted on Sunday, the Chair of Adhaalath Party's foreign relations committee said that those ministers who are attempting to influence the vote of parliamentarians over the 2018 State Budget 'must be investigated,' adding that measures should be taken against them.

She added that if the government is to stop funding constituencies represented by parliamentarians that oppose the proposed budget, 'then they must stop taking tax from them'.

In a separated tweet Shidhatha emphasized that 'a budget passed against the Constitution is illegitimate'.

Her remarks are directed towards Finance Minister Ahmed Munvvar, after his recent warning that constituencies represented by MPs that oppose the government's proposed budget will suffer.

Speaking at the parliamentary review committee, tasked with scrutinizing the proposed budget of MVR 27.9 billion, the minister openly said that opposition parliamentarians how support the budget will have funds allocated for development projects in their constituencies. He added that the opposition lawmakers 'have had a history of not supporting the budget' and that they 'do no have the right to express concern over lack of development in their constituencies'.

Earlier on Sunday, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom had his say on the matter, tweeting that parliamentarians 'are the representatives of the people' and that 'no one can threaten them'.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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