K. Male'
11 Nov 2017 | Sat 12:21
MP Mohamed Ameeth standing outside the parliament premises following a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh
MP Mohamed Ameeth standing outside the parliament premises following a no-confidence motion against parliament speaker Abdulla Maseeh
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Maduvvari Island
MP Ameeth says he begged President Yameen for a harbour in Maduvvari island
Ameeth said he had repeatedly asked for the project to be carried forth
The parliamentarian also said the government had withdrawn funds for the project despite allocating it in the state budget for 2015
Ameeth had been a member of the ruling party, before defecting earlier this year

MP Mohamed Ameeth had beseeched the government and President Abdulla Yameen to have a harbour built n Maduvvari island of Raa Atoll.

In a joint opposition rally held on the island on Friday night, Ameeth said that he has been pressuring the government to complete the project ever since he acquired his seat in parliament.

Ameeth further expressed detest at how President Yameen had spoken about a project in the works, to have a harbour built in the island.

“I sent Yameen letters, spent numerous amounts of time attempting to talk to him about the project. Pleaded with him” Ameeth said.

Ameeth also said that the government had withdrawn the funds allocated for the project in the state’s annual budget for 2015, after having made a pledge to pursue the project in his presidential campaign.

READ MORE: MP Ameeth claims government withheld budget to build harbour in his constituency

In his speech, Ameeth had criticized government tactics, especially its unwillingness to heed the advice of the international community.

Ameeth, who had been a member of the ruling party until his defection this year, went on to say that President Yameen had not supported him during his campaign and that ‘the government has failed its people and their representatives’.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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