K. Male'
08 Nov 2017 | Wed 23:37
Former President Mohamed Nasheed with his 2013 running mate, Dr. Musthafa Lutfy
Former President Mohamed Nasheed with his 2013 running mate, Dr. Musthafa Lutfy
President Nasheed
Ex-President Nasheed "in touch" with GoM's new PR consultants, says will pave way for inclusive elections
The former President said he had been "in touch" with the government's new PR consultants
am glad their efforts will clear the path to free, fair and inclusive 2018 elections, he added
RaajjeMV was unable to confirm who the new consultants are

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has said that the Maldivian government's new PR consultants will pave the way for a "free, fair and inclusive" presidential election next year.

In a tweet sent out on Wednesday night, the former President claimed that he had been in touch with the government's new PR consultants.

"I am glad their efforts will clear the path to free, fair and inclusive 2018 elections," he added.

While former President did not elaborate any further on the matter, RaajjeMV was unable to confirm who the new consultants are.

However, RaajjeMV understands that a European firm is representing the Maldivian government, at the World Travel Market in London.

Earlier on Wednesday, the former President expressed confidence that he will be able to contest in the elections due to the international pressure.

This was not well by the government or the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), who immediately took to twitter and elsewhere to deny this.

PPM said that it was "absolutely" against allowing Nasheed to run in the 2018 presidential election next year, while its spokesperson claimed that the Maldives is not facing international pressure to allow Nasheed to participate in the election, but "to spread (their) anti-Islamic agenda in the Maldives".

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Miuvaan Mohamed
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