K. Male'
30 Oct 2017 | Mon 13:18
(L to R): Fuvahmulah constituency MP Ali Shah, Thimarafushi constituency MP Mohamed Musthafa and Thinadhoo constituency MP Saudhulla Hilmy
(L to R): Fuvahmulah constituency MP Ali Shah, Thimarafushi constituency MP Mohamed Musthafa and Thinadhoo constituency MP Saudhulla Hilmy
PPM Ethics Committee passes to remove MPs Musthafa, Hilmy and Saud
The Committee voted to remove the three lawmakers last Saturday
Supreme Court recently ruled that parliamentarians will lose their seats if they leave a party, joins another or is expelled from the party
Elections Commission has announced that seven members have lost their parliamentary seats, yet to hold by-elections

The Ethics Committee of the divided ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has passed to dismiss Thinadhoo constituency MP Saudhulla Hilmy, Thimarafushi constituency MP Mohamed Musthafa and Fuvahmulah constituency MP Ali Shah from the party.

RaajjeMV understands that the committee's decision was made last Saturday, "for violating party principles and decisions by the parliamentary group", and for "working to defame the government".

While the three lawmakers are among the 45 lawmakers who signed the controversial no-confidence motion against Speaker Abdulla Maseeh Mohamed, the party's committee had highlighted that they had "failed to withdraw signatures in the given time period".

They are also among the 10 lawmakers who had sent in letters on the 10th of July, asking to be removed from PPM's registry. However, the party refused their request, claiming that an issue regarding the three was being investigated by the party's Ethics Committee.

While Musthafa, Hilmy and Shah have been removed from the party, Supreme Court recently ruled that parliamentarians will lose their seats if they leave a party, joins another or is expelled from the party.

Following the ruling, Elections Commission (EC) had announced that seven members had lost their parliamentary: Maduvvari constituency MP Mohamed Ameeth, Dhihdhoo constituency MP Abdul Latheef Mohamed, Villingilli constituency MP Saud Hussain, Thulusdhoo constituency MP Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Dhangethi constituency MP Ilham Ahmed, Thinadhoo constituency MP Abdulla Ahmed and Mahchangoalhi constituency MP Abdulla Sinan.

While EC had announced the decision to hold by-election for the said constituencies, it is yet to do so.

According to the parliament's rules of procedure, EC must officially open up the opportunity to apply within five days from the date of vacancy, while Article 78 of the Constitution states that "whenever there is a vacant among the members of the People's Majlis, an election shall be held within 60 days from the date of vacancy". It also states that a by-election "shall not be held within six months prior to a general election".

However, the Commission is yet to open up applications or announce the dates for the by-elections.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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