K. Male'
21 Oct 2017 | Sat 22:24
 Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdulla was transferred on Saturday morning, Faris was taken back in the evening
Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdulla was transferred on Saturday morning, Faris was taken back in the evening
Maafushi Prison
Ex-Presidents express concern over Sheikh Imran and MP Faris' sudden transfers back to prison
Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdulla was transferred on Saturday morning, Faris was taken back in the evening
Maumoon called on authorities to immediately release the two, while Nasheed said the move "shows that President Yameen is running out of options"
Imran is serving a 12-year jail sentence on terror; Faris is to be kept in police custody until his trial on bribery charges conclude

Former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Mohamed Nasheed have expressed concern over the sudden transfer of Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdulla and Dhiggaru constituency MP Ahmed Faris Muamoon back to prison.

They were transferred back to Maafushi Prison on Saturday; Imran in the morning while Faris was taken back in the evening.

Following the transfer, both former Presidents took to twitter to express their concerns over the matter.

Maumoon, father of MP Faris, said that he is "deeply concerned" over the sudden transfers, adding that "they must be freed immediately".

His successor, Nasheed said that the move "shows that President Yameen is running out of options".

"Faris and Imran will soon be free," he added.

The Adhaalath Party leader, serving a 12-year sentence on terror charges- was transferred to house arrest on 21st September, the same night his wife gave birth to their son.

MP Faris was released to house arrest on 11th October, with the Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) noting that the transfer was due to renovations at Maafushi Prison. He was arrested in July over bribery allegations, with the Criminal Court ordering to keep him in remand until the trial ends. He has also been charged with identity theft, and a hearing is scheduled for Sunday.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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