K. Male'
24 Sep 2017 | Sun 15:15
MP Ali Azim
MP Ali Azim
Parliament Watch
Maseeh cannot hope to run from citizens: Ali Azim
Opposition claims Parliament creating raised dais for Speaker
Parliament, MNDF silent on claims
No support for Speaker in Parliament

Medhu Henveyru Constituency MP Ali Azim says Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh cannot hope to outrun the public.

Speaking to press outside Parliament premises, MP Azim vowed to bring down Speaker Maseeh even though the current dais for the Speaker is raised more than it is now.

Opposition claimed on Saturday night that Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) was strengthening the security around the Speaker box in Parliament floor, including construction of a raised dais, measuring over 10 feet in height, was underway.

‘Even Maseeh cannot hope to stay there out of reach of public. [We] will remove them. All know that Maseeh does not have support,’ Azim said.

The Parliamentarian added that citizens were keen on removing Maseeh as Speaker and in taking an active role in the reformist movement. Noting the various intimidation tactics used by the Government, MP Azim defiantly said the opposition will not waver.



Nolhivaram Constituency MP Hussain Areef said security forces had deliberately obstructed Parliamentarians from fulfilling their mandates. He expressed his concerns over the shortfalls in public service caused by this obstruction.

Areef further noted the Government had their priorities wrong. Instead of addressing issues such as murders of youth, he said the Government had launched witch hunts on political figures.

He also expressed that the opposition were not concerned about possible and very real retribution they faced.

Galolhu South Constituency MP Ahmed Mahloof had also warned of action against Chief of Defense Force Ahmed Shiyam for having obstructed the Parliamentarians by the abuse of security forces.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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