K. Male'
21 Sep 2017 | Thu 10:03
President Abdulla Yameen
President Abdulla Yameen
Presidents Office
Islamic New Year 1439
It is the int'l community's responsibility to help the Rohingya Muslims: President Yameen
In his message to mark the beginning of the new Islamic Year 1439, the President highlighted the "anti-humane acts" that are being committed against the Rohingya Muslims
However, it is important to note that Maldives had opted not to take part in a vote to include 'The Responsibility to Protect and the prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes ag
President Yameen also appealed to the public "to put in extra effort to revive religious spirit in the hearts of all Maldivians"

President Abdulla Yameen highlighted the "anti-humane acts" that are being committed against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.

He made the comment in his message to mark the beginning of the new Islamic Year 1439, where he stated that it is the international community's responsibility "to help them and resolve the pressing issue".

While the President made this claim, it is important to note that the Maldives had decided not to participate in the United Nations General Assembly vote to include 'The Responsibility to Protect and the prevention of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity' in its agenda.

The violence against the Rohingya Muslims by the Burmese security forces has gained worldwide attention, as over 400,000 people have fled to Bangladesh since August 25, seeking refuge there.

Also in his message, President Yameen appealed to the public, "to put in extra effort to revive religious spirit in the hearts of all Maldivians".

"The President noted that all Muslims must acquire lessons from the Hijrah (migration from Mecca to Medina) of the Prophet Mohamed, the importance given by the Prophet for the duties bestowed upon him by the Almighty Allah, and the sacrifices of the Prophet in promoting Islam," said the President's Office.

He also called to be "cautious of the hate crimes and violence against Muslims today, by anti-Islamic individuals or groups".

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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