K. Male'
07 Sep 2017 | Thu 18:34
A total of 1,300 Maldivians traveled to Saudi Arabia to take part in annual Hajj pilgrimage this year
A total of 1,300 Maldivians traveled to Saudi Arabia to take part in annual Hajj pilgrimage this year
Hajj Pilgrimage 1438
First group of Maldivian Hajj pilgrims return
A total of 1,300 Maldivians traveled to Saudi Arabia to take part in annual Hajj pilgrimage this year
A total of 1,300 Maldivians traveled to Saudi Arabia to take part in annual Hajj pilgrimage this year
The first group returned on Thursday morning, while the last group is to return on the 29th of September
According to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, all groups, except for those that traveled with Maldives Hajj Group, will return after transiting in Sri Lanka

The first group of Maldivian pilgrims returned on Thursday morning, after completing this year's Hajj pilgrimage.

While they were to return on Wednesday, first group to return was the 100 pilgrims who traveled with Zaee Hajj Group.

According to the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, all groups, except for those that traveled with Maldives Hajj Corporation, will return after transiting in Sri Lanka.

In addition, those that belong to Sisilfaru Group will return on September 11th and 14th, while those who traveled with Al-Haramain Group is to return on the 12th. 

While 1000 pilgrims had traveled with the state-owned Maldives Hajj Corporation, its first batch is to return on 8th September, with return flights also scheduled for the 10th, 11th, 22nd, 26th and 29th of September

A total of 1,300 Maldivians traveled to Saudi Arabia to take part in annual Hajj pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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