K. Male'
30 Aug 2017 | Wed 21:57
Former First Couple Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim
Former First Couple Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris Maumoon
Former First Couple visits son in prison
Following the meeting with his son, former President Maumoon tweeted that Faris "is in good health"
Maumoon expressed regret that Faris "is forced to spend Eid in prison, away from family, without a justifiable cause"
Arrested on July 18, the Dhiggaru constituency MP has been charged with bribery and identity theft

Parents of detained lawmaker Ahmed Faris Maumoon, former First Couple Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Nasreena Ibrahim, visited him in Maafushi Prison on Wednesday.

Other members of the family had accompanied them as well, including Faris' wife.

Arrested on July 18, the Dhiggaru constituency MP has been detained for the duration of the trial on the bribery charges levied against him. He has also been charged with identity theft.

Following the meeting with his son, former President Maumoon said that Faris "is in good health," and that officers at the Maldives Correctional Services (MCS) had been "helpful".

Maumoon also said that he regrets that Faris "is forced to spend Eid in prison, away from his family, without a justifiable cause".

Last week, the former President visited Faris with his daughter, State Minister at the Ministry of Health, Dunya Maumoon.

His other daughter, Yumna Maumoon has visited her brother a few times.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ismail Naail Nasheed
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