K. Male'
28 Aug 2017 | Mon 18:05
Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim's legal team speaks to the press following the Criminal Court verdict
Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim's legal team speaks to the press following the Criminal Court verdict
Qasim Ibrahim
Cannot order Qasim to bring in foreign doctors, ruling says to send him abroad: Lawyer
Qasim was sentenced to three years, two months and 12 days in prison on bribery charges, last Thursday
Home Minister Azleen had asked the Commissioner of Prisons Shihan to ensure Qasim receives the adequate medical care
Qasim's defence lawyer Hisaan noted the Criminal Court verdict specifically notes that he be sent abroad for the required medical attention

Lawyer Hisaan Hussain has said that her client cannot be ordered to bring in foreign doctors to treat him while in jail.

In a letter sent to the Commissioner of Prisons Ahmed Shihan, Home Minister Ahmed Azleen had requested to ensure that Qasim Ibrahim receives the adequate medical care. In the letter, the Minister asked to give room for him to bring in foreign specialist doctors, if it is taking too long to complete the required procedures to grant the jailed opposition leader medical leave.

While the Jumhooree Party leader has been sentenced to three years, two months and 12 days in prison over bribery charges, the Criminal Court ruling also ordered the relevant authorities to allow him medical leave.

Speaking to RaajjeMV regarding the Home Minister's 'leaked' letter, Hisaan highlighted that the Criminal Court verdict specifically notes that he be sent abroad for the required medical attention.

She said that the fact that the Maldives Correctional Services (MCS) is taking their time to complete the procedures does not mean that Qasim can be ordered to bring in foreign doctors, adding that there are certain rules to be followed.

Noting that the ruling on Qasim has two parts, Hisaan said that the state is following "just one bit of the verdict". She said that no one or institution has the authority to follow one part of a verdict, and ignore the other.

"Hence the state must follow the Court's order to grant him medical leave, just as took him into their custody after the ruling," added Hisaan.

She also noted that the Home Minister asking to allow Qasim to bring in foreign doctors "does not make sense while all his bank accounts and assets have been frozen".

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Azmoon Ahmed
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