K. Male'
27 Aug 2017 | Sun 23:31
Supreme Court
Supreme Court
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Anti-Defection Ruling
Reactions to Supreme Court ruling: to be interpreted as one pleases
Both parties have been celebrating the verdict; opposition MPs say that the ruling states that the MPs have not lost their seats, while supporters of the government say otherwise
Elections Commission had decided that four MPs had lost their seats, following a controversial Supreme Court ruling in July
A clear verdict was not issued, created more confusion

A controversial Supreme Court ruling in July had led to six lawmakers losing their parliamentary seats.

The ruling stated that members elected on a party ticket will lose their parliament seats if they; leave a party, joins another or is expelled. The Elections Commission informed the parliament that six MPs had lost their seats due to the ruling.

Four MPs Mohamed Waheed Ibrahim, Mohamed Ameeth, Saud Hussain and Abdul Latheef Mohamed- filed the case at Supreme Court, asking to review the Commission's decision.

On August 27, the Court summoned the defense lawyer 'to collect the Court's response' on the cases.

While the Supreme Court ruling should have made things clearer, it led to more confusion and questions.

READ MORE: Confusion rises over Supreme Court verdict

Both parties have been celebrating the verdict; opposition MPs say that the ruling states that the MPs have not lost their seats, while supporters of the government say otherwise.

Critics are saying that ruling can be interpreted as one pleases.

Here are the reactions of some prominent figures, regarding today's ruling:

Opposition leader, former President Mohamed Nasheed said that SC ruling states that the four MPs have not lost their seats "hence the no-confidence vote against parliament speaker must be held immediately".

Minister of Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. Mohamed Shainee praised the Court, saying that he was "so proud of SC for delivering a just ruling".

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's daughter, Yumna Maumoon retweeted Shainee, noting that the ruling was "indeed a very just ruling," adding that "none of the MPs lost their seats".

Parliamentary Group leader of the ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) said that Supreme Court ruling was "very clear". He said that ruling states that as the EC has announced that the MPs had lost their, that the SC "does not have to make any decisions, according to Article 74 of the Constitution.

Vice President of the party, Abdul Raheem Abdulla also noted the ruling was "very clear," adding that SC had ruled that there EC's decision withstands.

Lawyer Husnu Suood gave an example to help get rid of the confusion.

"Husband: I have divorced my wife

Wife: He has not divorced me

Court: Very clear, rules of divorce are set in the Quran".




Following the Supreme Court ruling on Sunday, EC has announced the decision to move forward with the by-election of the four constituencies; Thulusdhoo, Maduvvari, Villingilli and Dhihdhoo constituencies.

Last updated at: 8 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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