K. Male'
24 Aug 2017 | Thu 09:55
Ahmed Naseer
Ahmed Naseer
Parliament Approvals
Parliament approves Ahmed Naseer as MMA Governor
President Abdulla Yameen sent Naseer's name to parliament on Sunday
33 members voted in favor of Naseer; opposition lawmakers boycotted the vote
He earned 94 percent after being submitted to Parliament Committee on Wednesday

Parliament has, on Thursday, approved Ahmed Naseer as the new Governor at the Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA).

While the vote was taken amid protests by opposition members, 33 members had voted in favor of Naseer; the opposition had boycotted the vote.

President Abdulla Yameen had sent Naseer's name to Parliament for approval on Sunday, after withdrawing Neeza Imad's name. Neeza's nomination to the post was announced hours after former Governor Dr. Azeema Adam resigned last week.

Naseer was summoned to the Committee on Independent Institutions for vetting on Wednesday, where he received 94 percent; a minimum of 75 percent is required to pass.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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